Tingling injection Houns


  • Composition:
    • Epinephrine tartrate: 0.0225mg
    • Lidocaine hydrochloride: 36 mg
    • Excipients to make up to 1.8ml
  • Formulation: Injectable solution
  • Function:
    • Lidocaine is a local anesthetic of the amide group, used to induce local anesthesia by reducing the permeability of the nerve cell membrane to Na+ ions, thereby blocking the conduction of nerve impulses.
    • Epinephrine stimulates both alpha and beta receptors. It can increase basal metabolism by 20 – 30% and constrict blood vessels in the skin.
    • When Lidocaine is combined with Epinephrine (which constricts blood vessels), it slows absorption, resulting in higher concentration and longer duration of action.
  • Manufacturer: Huons Co., Ltd.
  • Packaging: Box containing 5 blister packs, each with 10 vials of 1.8ml.

This injection is likely used for local anesthesia purposes, providing temporary numbness to a specific area of the body for medical procedures or surgeries.

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